Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Muddiest Point

For me the muddiest point was trying to understand if I have to comment on others' blogs or if this is optional. The material itself I'm getting and I finally have accessing the articles through the library mastered.

I had thumb surgery last Thursday and it is really hampering my typing speed. Not to mention I was out of commission a lot of the weekend. My next posts won't be so last minute.


Anonymous said...

First of all, so sorry to hear about your surgery, and I hope you are feeling better. I imagine thumb surgery is one of those things that makes you realize just how much you use your thumb everday and not realize it.

In regards to your muddiest point, yes comment on other's blogs, (or posts in the discussion board) is mandatory. He never specified how many we should comment on a week, but I'm saying roughly 2 as we only need 10 submissions and each submission is only 1 percent of our participation grade. Also don't forget to post your comments on your blog so the TAs will count them!
Again, I hope you're feeling better!

dudacm said...

Thanks! I'm doing better, and coping but I guess the ironic "all thumbs" description sort of applies!